Writing Children's Picture Books

I was fortunate enough to be invited to a writers' meeting where Mark Carthew was a guest speaker. Mark is an award winning children's picture book author, teacher and editor, as well as a Director and board member of the Australian Society of Authors (ASA).

He was a very interesting man who gave us some great insight into the publishing industry and there was discussion about the kind of person it takes to survive in what is often a cut-throat game of who you know. Tenacity and determination were words he kept coming back to.

Although I feel exhausted at the thought of even trying to be noticed by publishers in the children's book world, my yearning to tell stories to young children keeps driving me. Rejection is part of the process, and if having my regular column on EB hasn't taught me to grow a tough skin, I don't know what will!

Armour up and solider on, hey?!


Kylie Orr | Storyteller

Author, Freelance Writer, Mother, Creator


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